Satterwhite: Not Quite the End of Net Neutrality"

Ellen Satterwhite has written a thoughtful article for ALA's Library Policy News discussing efforts at the federal and state level to block the repeal of net neutrality rules.

"The good news is, consumers and patrons are unlikely to see changes to the internet service they buy today. The bad news is, there’s now no 'cop on the beat,' no enforceable protections that are essential to ensuring open and nondiscriminatory access to online information for all.

If Internet Service Providers are allowed to control or manipulate the content of internet communications — to block, throttle and prevent you from accessing the internet any way you want — then the work of modern libraries becomes that much harder. But there are opportunities for relief."

ReadersFirst supports efforts to re-establish net neutrality or to foster state/local enforcement of it and encourages library readers to take action.

You can help by:

  1. Continuing to tell your members of Congress (or thanking them!) that net neutrality is critical to the modern library and our communities through our action alert.
  2. If your plans and means allow, joining a #DayofAction for net neutrality allies in Washington, D.C. on June 26 sponsored by our allies. Here is a link to register.
  3. Initiating or joining in-district events when your members of Congress are home for recess. Invite them to a library, talk about what an open internet means for your patrons and community–be like Dave Mantz!
  4. Tell your ISP (and your local media and your patrons) that you are watching and expect them to respect their commitments to an open internet. In fact, you’d like them to put it in writing.

  Michael Blackwell, St Mary's County Library