Carmi Parker's Macmillan eBook Update 1/10/2020

The redoubtable Carmi Parker (disclaimer—Ms. Parker is member of RF’s Working Group) has shared a weekly Macmillan update:

“Happy New Year all!

We are beginning to draft a document on the impact that boycotting libraries are making, and we hope to share it with libraries that are still debating how best to respond to the embargo.  The doc will include:

  • Analysis of the financial impact on Macmillan

  • How close we are to the tipping point where Macmillan starts to lose money

  • How the boycott has impacted circulation so far

  • What patrons are saying

If your library is considering whether to stop purchasing Macmillan, is there other information that you would find useful?  Let me know.

In this week’s update, we have three new libraries who have ceased purchasing eBooks.

{Those are First Regional Library, serving Five counties in NW Mississippi, including suburbs of Memphis, with 300,000 patrons) Dedham Public Library, in Dedham, MA with 25,000 patrons, and Oakland Public Library with 429,000 patrons.]

Also, would you like to know: if the wait time on an eBook is too long, how many patrons turn to the print version?  Or how long patrons will wait in the first place?  The eBook reader survey results from Jefferson County Library will tell all this and more.

Please feel free to share this post.  Interested colleagues can sign up for their own email updates here.”

Thanks, Carmi, for all you do to enhance the library digital content experience!